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  Antibiotics » Amoxicillin (a mox i sil in)

Composition: Amoxicillin (a mox i sil in)

Common Brand: Biomox, Polymox, Trimox, Wymox
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What is Amoxil/Amoxicillin ?

Amoxil [Amoxicillin] is an antibiotic that belongs to the penicillin group and is used for fighting bacterial infections in various parts of the human body. Amoxil [Amoxicillin] is the most preferred drug for bacterial infection because of its faster absorption and reaction time. Amoxil [Amoxicillin] is used as drug for ear infection medication for bladder infections and also for pneumonia E.coli salmonella or gonorrhoea infections treatments. Amoxil works by inhibiting the bacterial growth on the cell walls. Amoxil proves to be useful only is curing bacterial infections and should not be taken by patients suffering from viral diseases like flu cough and cold. Overdose or unnecessary use of this drug can impact the body resistance and can cause other side effects like itchy and red skin. Amoxil is one of the most popular antibiotics for children and comes in the form of tables syrups and even liquids that can be administered intravenously. If you are on birth control pills then doctors should be informed in advance as Amoxil can decrease the effectiveness of these pills which can lead to pregnancy. Also full course of amoxil should be taken and should not be discontinued even if the symptoms abate. Amoxil usage can sometimes cause diarrhoea. If you notice some bloods in the stool then inform your doctors immediately as this may be the sign of new infection. Amoxil is approved by FDA..


Amoxil [Amoxicillin] can be used for treating fairly large variety of bacterial infections. Amoxil can also be used as drug for bacterial infection if the sensitivity of the infection is not known. Amoxil [Amoxicillin] is typically used as medication on infected bite wounds antibiotic for infected teeth respiratory infections and also bacterial infections affecting gall bladder.


Amoxil [Amoxicillin] is available in the form of chewable tablets oral medications syrups and could also be used in injections. This drug for bacterial infections should be taken exactly as prescribed by the doctor and also for the exact time duration. Always shake the liquid before using and measure it properly with a medicine cup to take the exact dose. The liquid could be mixed in baby food or juices to be given to babies. Drink a lot of water while taking this medicine.

Side effects of AMOXIL | AMOXICILLIN

The most common side effects seen after taking this drug fro bacterial infection is nausea diarrhoea and vomiting. Amoxil [Amoxicillin] may cause temporary staining of teeth which can be removed by proper brushing. The other side effects include dark urine yellowing of eyes and skin bleeding sore throat and high fever. In rare cases patients may also experience intestinal infection known as pseudo membranous colitis. If the problem persists inform your doctor immediately.


Amoxil [Amoxicillin] may reduce the impact of any birth control pills that you had been taking. Therefore it is always advisable to make your pharmacist or physician aware of what all medications you are already taking. Always inform doctor if you are taking medicines containing methtrxate tetracycline or any live bacterial vaccines. Amoxil usage can also result in false diabetes test reports.

What happens if I overdose?

In case of overdose call your local poison control center at 1-800-222-1222. If the victim has collapsed or is not breathing call local emergency services at 911.

Important information about AMOXIL | AMOXICILLIN

Inform your doctor if you have any kind of Kidney diseases Allergies Asthma or Phenylketonuria or have suffered from any other similar diseases before.

What happens if I miss a dose?

If you miss a dose take it as soon as you can. If it is almost time for your next dose take only that dose. Do not take double doses. Maintain an interval of at least 6 to 8 hours between 2 doses or as directed by your physician.


Amoxil [Amoxicillin] should be stored between the temperature of 20-25 degree centigrade or 68-77 degree Fahrenheit. The oral medication syrup should always be stored in refrigerator and should be used within 2 weeks of opening the bottle.


Before taking this drug for bacterial infection consult your doctor and inform him if you are allergic to any other antibiotics of penicillin. Always inform your doctor if you have the following: • Asthma clotting disorder or any kidney disease • If you have suffered diarrhoea after taking any antibiotic • Pregnant women and feeding mothers should go ahead from the doctor before taking this antibiotic.
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