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  Anti-Narcoleptic » MODAFINIL moe-DAF-i-nil

Composition: MODAFINIL moe-DAF-i-nil

Common Brand: Prescription Required
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  Provigil 200mg

Qty. Type Price/Unit Other's Price Price Buy
30 Tab $3.17 $303 US $94.99 US buy
90 Tab $2.99 $900 US $268.99 US buy

  Provigil 100mg

Qty. Type Price/Unit Other's Price Price Buy
30 Tab $2.40 $240 US $71.99 US buy
90 Tab $2.17 $635 US $194.99 US buy

What is Provigil Generic ?

Provigil [Modafinil] is FDA approved stimulant drug used for the treatment of shift work sleep disorder excessive drowsiness during day time and narcolepsy. Provigil [Modafinil] is the drug for wakefulness in patients and also for sleep disorder. It has also proved to be effective in ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder treatment but it is not recommended to be used by children. Provigil [Modafinil] also proved to be useful in drug addictions treatment psychological disorders like schizophrenia and depression. It is also prescribed for Parkinson treatment. Doctors prescribing long term usage of Provigil should conduct regular check ups and make necessary modifications in drug doses as it has the potential to become habit forming and could be used for drug abuse. It should also be kept away from the reach of the children as it can cause serious side effects in children below the age of 16. As Provigil is a drug for wakefulness it directly affects the nervous system and can have a negative impact on persons reasoning and thinking. Therefore Provigil users are advised not to consume alcohol or drive vehicles and do any other activity that requires them to be alert. In 2004 Provigil was declared by World Anti Doping Agency as a prohibited drug when number of athletes were caught in doping charges using this stimulant to enhance their performance..


Provigil [Modafinil] is used for treating obstructive sleep apnea narcolepsy and shift work sleep disorder. Tests are on to use this drug for promoting weight loss by making it act like an appetite suppressant. Research is also on to use this drug for treating cocaine addiction and use it for promoting alertness and mood elevation. Provigil in some cases is also used as ADHD drugs.


Provigil [Modafinil] essentially a drug for sleeping disorders. This sleeping disorder medication is not recommended for children below 16 years of age. Provigil has to be consumed orally and comes in the form of 100 mg and 200 mg tablets. Not more than 400 mg of Provigil should be consumed in a single day. For patients suffering from obstructive sleep apnea and narcolepsy a single dose of 200 mg should be taken once a day. This drug for wakefulness should be consumed at least an hour prior to leaving for office.

Side effects of PROVIGIL | MODAFINIL

Provigil is essentially a drug for sleeping disorders. This sleeping disorder medication is not recommended for children below 16 years of age. Provigil has to be consumed orally and comes in the form of 100 mg and 200 mg tablets. Not more than 400 mg of Provigil should be consumed in a single day. For patients suffering from obstructive sleep apnea and narcolepsy a single dose of 200 mg should be taken once a day. This drug for wakefulness should be consumed at least an hour prior to leaving for office.


Provigil can interact negatively with other over the counter sleep disorder medications and hence should only be taken under doctor’s supervision. While taking provigil prescription always make your doctor aware of other vitamins herbal products and medication that you are taking currently.

Important information about PROVIGIL | MODAFINIL

Prescription is mandatory


Provigil should be stored between the temperature of 20-25 degree centigrade or 68-77 degree Fahrenheit away from moisture and heat. This medication should never be stored in bathroom and should be kept away from pets and children.


Before taking this medicine that promotes wakefulness always consult a doctor and take following safety measures: • Check whether you are allergic to drugs like armodafanil or modafanil • Provigil is not recommended for patients having angina high blood pressure liver or kidney disorders • Patients with history of drug abuse are not prescribed this drug for sleeping disorder
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Special Disclaimer :Images used above represent popular brands and are not the same shipped by us. We ship FDA approved generic drugs.Trademark names on this site may include Viagra, Cialis and Levitra and are the property of each trademark holder and may include brand names such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. We do not claim to be affiliated with the manufactures of Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. Brand name products such as Viagra are made by Pfizer, Cialis is made by Lilly and Levitra is made by Bayer. This online pharmacy simply sells Viagra, Cialis and Levitra and is not associated with the manufactures of Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. You will find generic alternatives to Viagra, Cialis and Levitra at this site but the site is not affiliated with Viagra, Cialis and Levitra.

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