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  Muscle Relaxant » Carisoprodol

Composition: Carisoprodol
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  Soma 350 mg

Qty. Type Price/Unit Other's Price Price Buy
50 Tab $1.02 $65 US $50.99 US buy
100 Tab $0.90 $215 US $89.99 US buy
200 Tab $0.89 $415 US $178.99 US buy

  Soma 500mg

Qty. Type Price/Unit Other's Price Price Buy
50 Caps $1.26 $198.99 US $62.99 US buy
100 Caps $1.23 $295.00 US $122.99 US buy

What is ?

Soma [Carisoprodol] is essentially a muscle relaxing drug which is used in conjunction with physiotherapy to cure muscle tightening and muscles pains after an injury or because of some other musculoskeletal condition. Soma [Carisoprodol] muscle relaxant medicine has the composition called Carisoprodol which is used for treating severe musculoskeletal disorders in the adults. Though having analgesic properties this drug should not be used for treating other body aches and pains and should only be used as a drug for muscle relaxant. Soma the muscle pain reliever drug works by simulating hormones that prevents the pain sensation message from reaching the brains through the nerves. Soma is slightly soluble in water but can be dissolved fully in alcohols and acetone. Soma when metabolizes forms meprobamate a habit forming substance that can be used for drug abuse. Hence this medicine is not recommended for patients having a previous history of drug addiction. The usage of this drug for muscle pain and muscle spasm should not be stopped suddenly as lot of withdrawal symptoms can be seen in the patients. This drug for muscle relaxation should always be consumed under medical supervision. Soma is not recommended for children below 12 years of age Soma was approved by FDA in 2007 but is not advised for prolonged usage through rx..

Important information about SOMA - CARISOPRODOL

It is a Schedule H drugs and prescription is mandatory
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